Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

For many Christians God is not first…or even second or third in their lives. He is a distant fourth. Some know every statistic about a particular football or baseball team but can’t even quote a scripture verse. Others live their lives checking their phone for new emails or text messages than listening for a Word from their Heavenly Father. Others read every business or self-help book to get ahead rather than reading the Bible, God’s Word. Still others seek the praise of people rather than the praise of their Lord and Savior.


Our lives on earth are short – maybe 80 or 90 years, then to heaven for eternity. God created you and has placed you here, now, for a purpose – His purpose.

Use your time wisely by investing it in God. Spend time with Him. Put God First.



  1. Amen…..I’m not perfect although I’m striving to do better and be better. I love riding by reading the scripture and now that I came to the web site I’m enjoying it.

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