Matthew 22:37-38 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

Making Jesus your priority is tough when there are so many things clamoring for our attention (kids, spouse, friends, work, etc.). Pretty soon all those things that scream for our attention steals our quiet time with Jesus and we end up going to bed with not having spent one minute with our Lord and Savior. Sad….but true….for many of us.

Start today and make a plan to make Jesus a priority each day.

For me when I wake up, I silently say “Good Morning Father. Good morning Jesus. Good morning Holy Spirit.” I get up, make some coffee, and then go to my quiet place, which happens to be the guest bedroom. There I will open the YouVersion Bible App, read and write down the verse of the day in my journal. Then I turn on some praise and worship music and start reading a chapter or two from the old testament and then the new testament. Then I pray. Then I listen. On weekends, I tend to extend my study time by studying a specific topic. This is my routine.

Jesus wants a relationship with us and the only way to get to know someone better is to spend time with them. Please make JESUS YOUR PRIORITY.
